Our annual fundraising event is our primary source of fundraising and whilst we will not realise any monies from such in 2020, unfortunately, the needs of the many children suffering from serious illness does not wane. For example, we are currently trying to help a beautiful little girl called Bunty to be fitted with a ‘bionic leg’ that will transform her life. If you can find it within yourself to support us in any way through these challenging times, your generosity, however great or small, will help us to continue to help others. See our website for more details https://www.shelbynewstead.com on us and how you may donate or set up a monthly direct debit.

I, as Chairman  have agreed to have the hair on my head shaved off to raise funds.  I am in no doubt that many of you will be more than happy to sponsor this particular hair raising fund raiser ! Please visit: https://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/DaveGarbett for details. Do you also know you can donate through Amazon Smile every time you order something?  Again details available on the web site.

Whilst each and everyone one of us may now be faced with different challenges in these difficult times, one thing is for certain, we are all caught up in the same storm.

Yours, with heartfelt thanks, stay well and stay safe.


Dave Garbett
for and on behalf of the ‘Friends of Shelby Newstead’ Charity